Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Today's Wizard of Oz!

I think if I had one wish the Wizard of Oz could grant, I would choose to go back in time and invent the Chia Pet. I would be rich in the most ridiculous way possible.

Let's see, if the Wizard of Oz was set in today's world, I think the cast would look like this:

Scarecrow - Donald Sterling. The man clearly has either no brain, or the worst advisors EVER! Now before you get mad at me because he is supposedly I'll, let's remember that that report only surfaced AFTER he made an incredible idiot of himself again and again. If he really is sick, I feel badly for him, but it still does not excuse him from his continued racist comments. I think he should sell the Clippers to Paula Deen.

Tin Man - Kim Jong-un. This man is one of most notorious villains in history. Its really not his fault. He's just following in his Daddy's footsteps. Took over the family business.

He went way too far last December, when he had his own Uncle executed and, although first reports said that the Uncle was stripped down and fed to 120 hungry dogs was not likely true, still, the guy had his Uncle killed. The man has no heart.

Arguably, he might have also been a candidate for the Cowardly Lion, but his heartless behavior left me no choice.

Dorothy - Pat Roberts, a Senator representing Kansas. In an interview, the three-term senator admitted that he did not have a home of his own in Kansas. He's been using a Country Club's address as his home address.

How embarrassing it must have been when the media caught wind of that fact. You'd think he would know that it would eventually became news, but he didn't. He could also be a strong candidate for the Scarecrow, with no brain, but I can't think of anyone who would like to go back to Kansas and buy a house.

Former Miami Dolphins head coach Nick Saban spent most of the second half of the 2006 NFL season denying he had any interest in the head coaching position at the University of Alabama. Two weeks before the season ended, Saban denied rumors that he was going to be the University of Alabama coach, leaving the Dolphins hanging in the wind.

Within hours of the end of the season, Saban was being introduced as the next head coach of the University of Alabama. Cowardly way to handle things. I'm certain there are many other candidates, but I'm a Dolphin fan and it is my blog, so I cast Saban as the Cowardly Lion.

And finally, the Wizard himself. Bill Clinton. Despite all of his extra curricula activities, lying about them, virtually destroying Monica Lewinsky (who was certainly not innocent, but too young to have her life destroyed) and a near divorce by Hilary, he came out smelling like a rose and is well respected today. Monica, on the other hand, is 40 now, and can't even find a job.

See you tomorrow.

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