Friday, June 20, 2014

Share THIS!

If you have a Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, Son, Daughter, Grandma, Grandpa, Neice, Nephew, First Cousin, Great Aunt that you love, like and share this. Otherwise, you don't care.

I have to tell you, I hate those commands to guilt me into compliance. I still see some that tell me that if I don't share, something bad will happen to me. Thanks for the death threat, but no thanks.

People share wonderful, funny and oftentimes inspirational pictures and videos. I love them. But I really don't understand the need to post something and tell others to post it too.

Sometimes its about something really important, like a missing person or pet. Those I get. Or for cancer awareness. Wonderful! But the frivolous other ones? Of course I love my Mother! I certainly don't need to prove that to her by sharing something that someone else posted. Isn't that kind of a cheap way of telling someone you care?

I also love my children, siblings, veterans and those family members and friends who have passed on before me. I know people who have become horribly depressed by reading these seemingly harmless posts, because the pain is too fresh.

I've spoken with others who have had a very hard time fighting through the pain of their loss, only to have the wound opened again by reading one of these well intentioned posts, encouraging them to share it.

You know what works better? Pick up the phone and CALL your Mother, Father, Son, Daughter, etc. Tell them first hand how much you love them, are proud of them, miss them... Whatever. It seems to me that Facebook is a wonderful way to reconnect with people, but causes us to become lazy, when it involves talking.

We wish people happy birthday on Facebook, and for many, that has taken the place of a precious, short phone call. For instance, this year, I received one call from a sibling on my birthday. I have four. Two of them sent Facebook posts and the other one never sends greetings of any kind. Our world keeps growing more impersonal as technology advances.

So, if you love someone - anyone - its my guess they would love a phone call, a Skype or FaceTime session, anything other than a Facebook post.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to forward an email to everyone I know or something horrible will happen to me.

See you tomorrow.

Want lots of laughs? Pick up a copy of my books, "The Twisted Musings of a Comedian" volumes I and II here. You can also download them to your Kindle at a substantial discount!

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Facebook: Jerry Mabbott
Twitter: @jmabbott

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