Monday, June 16, 2014

Exercise With Caution!

I'm told if I eat right and exercise, I'll add 10 years to my life. If I could choose the decade to extend, it would be great, but why would I want to extend my life at the end when all I can eat is soft food and wear depends?

I think if I could relive a decade, I would choose my junior and senior years in high school. I  loved those years, at least at school I did. Let's see, 8 more to go.

Definitely 1979, 1982 and 1987. Those were the years my children were born. I wouldn't give up those years for anything! That leaves 5 more years from which to choose.

I would have to pick 1998, the year Heather and I married, leaving only 4. I would also choose 1989. I was finally breaking through in my comedy career, and though that year brought on much heartache, I would still relive it. After all, the San Francisco Giants were in the World Series, too.

I already chose 1998, but I would have to throw in 1999 and 2000, because those were also the times I spent with my Dad and got to know him so well.

That leaves two, so I would have to choose the years two of my children were married. I wish I could choose each year one of my grandchildren were born, but all I have are 10, and since the grandkids would not be here without the marriages, have to go there.
Plus, I got to officiate my son's wedding, which I can't even begin to explain what that was like. What an amazing day that was! There were so many other milestones, like the first time a cop tried to pull me over and I got away. Also the second and third times.

I guess technically those would fall under my junior and senior year. Yahoo!  Let's see... I think 1975 would be another. That was the year I finished college and became a pastor. That was a good year. Hmmm, one more...

I'm going to choose 1997, the year I got my morning radio show. I had so much fun doing the show, and it was the top radio show in the region for all three years! I left because I hated the business end of broadcasting. Those of you who have been in that business know what I'm talking about. Ugh.

There are many more I would choose from if I had more years with which to choose; like every marriage I was so fortunate to officiate, all with bride and grooms that I love.

I would certainly choose the times when each of my children worked through our difficulties and reconciled. I feel blessed to have a good relationship with each of them. Very blessed.

I would also choose the years in which I  "adopted" several young men as sons. Austin Beckmann, Matt Pennington and Spencer Harber. I really love those young men and I feel extremely fortunate to have been able to play a significant role in their lives.

There are so many moments. The year I met my two closest friends, Keith Stubbs and Ron Ruhman. That was many years ago and we're still very close friends.

But, in my 80's? No thanks. I'll be drooling in a cup by then, not even knowing what day or month it is. Kind of like now.

See you tomorrow.

Want to laugh? Buy my books, "The Twisted Musings of a Comedian, volumes I & II by clicking here, or go to and search for my name. Available in paperback and Kindle!

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