Thursday, August 15, 2013

Psych This!

I think it would be funny if a psychic opened up her shop and no one came in all day. Oh, the irony.

There are so many people who won't go to church because they don't like a preacher telling them what to do, but they'll pay money to see a psychic who tells them what to do. I know! Crazy!

It's such a scam, and I have proof. When I was doing my morning radio show, I claimed to also be a psychic  and to prove it, I would choose a random caller and tell her things about them that I couldn't possibly know.

The first caller was a young lady named Becca. So, I began asking questions. "There is someone close to you... I see the letter S...." She excitedly told me that her best friend was named Sarah! I chose S because it's a common letter and it was likely that she would have someone close to her with that letter.

Next, I said "Yes, I see that. I also see that you've recently had a fight". (How many best friends don't have a fight once in a while?) "Yes!, she said. I told her that I also said that they worked things out and were once again best friends. She was stunned.

I told her that I could see that she was a student (it was a college town). Again, she was giddy at my questions and her.. responses. Next I told her that although she had a major, she secretly wanted to do something different. (Who doesn't?) Yes!, she said. She then told me what she really wanted to do. She told me I was great when we hung up. That's how simple it was.

When I moved to a larger market, we had a psychic who would call in every Monday and give psychic "readings". Her name was Alice. One Monday morning, Alice called in sick. I said, "You didn't see that coming?" She wasn't happy. She was popular because people would call in with one question. Typically, the question was "Will I have another baby? Or, Will I get married?"

So, I went on as a spoof of psychic Alice and instead I was psychic Alex. People that called in and asked me if they were going to have a baby, I would say things like, "Yes, but it will be a puppy". Or, no. I'm sorry, but you are barren". I know! Mean!

One woman called and asked if her husband was going to get a promotion. I said, "No. In fact, he will be fired and you'll move to New York City". Funny, right? I thought so too until three weeks later, the woman called back and asked for psychic Alex. I told her that I was Alex. She reminded me who she was and what I told her. Then she told me that her husband did get fired and just found a great new job in... New York City!

That was it. I didn't pretend anymore. It freaked me out.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I just had some tea and the leaves look intriguing.

See you tomorrow.

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