Sunday, December 9, 2012

Jerry Brown

Josh Brent, a Dallas Cowboy and DUI offender, has don it again. This time his teammate, Jerry Brown lost his life.

Brent spent time behind bars on his DUI, but apparently to no avail. It seems that many NFL players behave as though the laws do not pertain to them.

Considering the incidents of violence, in and out of the home, clearly the league must take drastic measures. These men need to understand they are people who must obey the laws of the land.

There should be a zero tolerance policy, I think. If a player is convicted of a crime, they are out of the league forever. No second chances.

Playing in the NFL is a privilege, not an entitlement. In my opinion, Michael Vick should not be in the league. Plaxico Burress should not have been allowed back in.

Celebrated people getting special treatment, allowed to break laws needs to stop. It is not successful. So many celebrities get away with things that ordinary citizens do not. Halle Berry getting community service for a hit and run in 2000? Really?

So, who's to blame for all of the incidents taking place by celebrities, with nothing more than a slap on the hand? Societies' obsession with celebrities? The justice system? The companies who continue to hire the offenders?

I'm sure there are many of you with various opinions. I respect them all.

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