Monday, December 10, 2012


I saw a young man taken out of Wal-Mart in handcuffs. Really? Walmart? If I were going to steal, I would go higher class. In fact, I think if I were going to be a thief, I would learn magic. Just like David Copperfield, I could make huge items just disappear.

I once saw a clerk in a grocery store steal a candy bar. Really? Risk your job for a candy bar? This was no kid. It was a guy in his 50's. How would you explain that when you got home? "Honey, sit down. I lost my job today, for stealing a candy bar." Something tells me he might stand a good chance of losing more than just a job.

How about the Mona Lisa? A house? Make it worth your worth while if you choose to steal.

Just as this season brings out the shoppers, it is also the largest season for thieves, because there are so many distractions. They don't only steal from the retailers, they also steal from YOU!

Be cautious. Don't leave your purse in the basket. If you find in-demand products, and put them in your basket, don't walk away from your shopping cart. Even if it's only a few feet away, you will get distracted and that hard to find item may be gone.

Thieves are very sly, and often work in teams. If you find yourself being distracted by someone who seems out of place, stay with your basket and contact security. The m.o. of these scum bags is to distract the victim, while another scum bag takes the items.

Oops! I'm late for my magic lesson.

See you tomorrow.

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