Monday, November 4, 2013

The Land of the Mini Van

Breaking News: Honda recalls thousands of mini vans. Utah streets and freeways are deserted!

Utah is definitely the land of the mini van. There are big families all over the state. I mean 6 - 12 kids, and sometimes more! I have no idea how a) anyone has the energy for that many children and b) anyone has the money for that many children!

You've seen the stickers on the back of vehicles, depicting the number of people in the family? In Utah, those stickers don't stop on the back window. They go all the way around the van, then underneath and over the top. Just when you think you've seen them all, you pop open the little gas tank door and there's another one.

I saw one mini van with stickers representing the family and it went Dad, Mom, then five kids, then the dog, and then another kid! Now, either that kid is named Oops, or he's in for one heck of a childhood.

I am the lucky father of three incredible children. My Mother took care of five. How do you do that without completely losing it? And today's world is even more challenging. Kids today are participating in soccer, baseball, football, cheerleading, martial arts, swimming, track, volleyball, basketball, band, drama, and with that many kids, you may end up with participation in all of the above!

I keep hearing that kids are sitting around, getting fat from playing video games and not playing outside. Really? If that's the case, then why is every soccer field and football field filled with youngsters every Saturday and on weekday afternoons?

My guess is that with so little time, the kids might not be getting adequate nutrition. I'm not judging. I don't think I could get everyone to their activities and get them home in time to prepare a really healthy meal. There is still homework to be done, baths to be had, etc. I think they would find me in the fetal position in a corner somewhere.

My daughter and daughter-in-law are really amazing parents. Of course my son and son-in-law are quick to help out, but still, the juggling act wears me out just watching it. My younger brother, Fred, and his wife have children who were involved in many activities. Out of pure love for their kids, they drove around like crazy people to get the children to and from their activities. But, they did it, all while working full time. How do single parents do it?? It seems impossible!

Love has to be the motivation, because I don't believe that the human body was designed to endure so much torture. How about those newlyweds that have triplets? Are you kidding? I would keep the best looking one and pop the other two on Ebay.

In any event, my hat is off to all of you parents who get it done, and I understand the Prozac, as well. Everyone needs a little help now and then.

See you tomorrow.

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