Thursday, October 10, 2013

Ok, one more!

I asked my wife to hand me a magazine. She said, "Here, silly, use my Ipad. That spider never knew what hit him. 

It seems like every time someone takes a picture of someone, they always demand a second shot, "Just to be sure they get a good shot". This is ridiculous with the creation of the digital camera. One of the best features of such a camera is to be able to look at the shot you just took to see if it's a winner.

We're creatures of habit, I suppose. My younger brother got my parents a microwave oven, years ago, which was a great gift. My father refused to use it. I guess he thought it might make him sterile. He was in his 60's,so I might have chosen to roll those dice.

There was all kinds of speculation that these new fangled contraptions would dispense unsafe levels of radiation. People think the same thing about cell phones, even though there hasn't been even one case of cancer related from a microwave oven or a cell phone. These days, we couldn't do without each.

I remember when color televisions came out, yes I'm that old. We were constantly told by my mother to move back, that it wasn't safe to get too close to the TV. Now we have giant TVs only ten to fifteen feet away. My eyes are just fine. I drag my left foot a little, but other then that I feel fine.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to roll the dice and eat some Foster Farms chicken from California.

See you tomorrow.

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