Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Obamacare Website

Clearly, the Obama administration chose the wrong website designer. I'm not sure "Go Daddy" was a good choice.

I wonder who will take the fall for the epic failure of the website. There are rumors that the administration knew there were big problems when they launched the website which, if true, makes me wonder why they didn't just delay the launch and amend the law to extend the deadline for sign up.

The timing of this huge debacle couldn't have been worse for this administration, considering that the program was a key factor in the government shutdown. To finally win, only to discover that the electronic sign up process is so marred with defects it can't be used, has got to be a major embarrassment.

It really doesn't matter if the process was developed by a Republican or Democrat, so long as it works. Since it doesn't, and with no ETA on a permanent fix, it hangs over the President's head, like an anvil over Wile E. Coyote.

When it is finally repaired, I think it would be better to make it like a video game. It couldn't be modeled after a newer game because old guys like me have to be able to use the site. So, I think "Space Invaders" would be a good choice. Instead of the targets being those of the original game, they could be health care plans. You pick them off one at a time until there is only one left. That's the one you get.

The next round could be for doctors, then hospitals, prescriptions, etc. Sure, if you get the wrong piece to any of the puzzle, you might croak, but that's how the game works. Everyone can't be a winner; otherwise it wouldn't be a game. Isn't it that way, anyway? One of the states in the north east passed legislation to make it legal to buy prescriptions from Canada. People were doing it anyway, was the reasoning behind the change.

Meanwhile, the FDA is going insane. The agency is getting huge pressure from pharmaceutical companies to find a way to stop the process. There are tens, maybe hundreds of millions of dollars at stake. The FDA is protesting the legislation because they don't get to control the decision over which drugs are safe and which are not.

That's kind of like a game, isn't it? You order drugs from Canada, but can you be certain about the original source? Are there slight differences in the side effects? Are they merely placebos? Oh yeah, it's a game. You've got to ask yourself, do you feel lucky, punk? Do you?

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to submit my ideas to the White House.

See you tomorrow.

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