Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Candy Crush

I swear, if I get one more invitation to play Candy Crush, I will find out where you live, come to your house on Halloween and crush all of your candy.

I honestly have no idea what causes people to invite me, on Facebook, to play a game. I'm already familiar with most of the games and have chosen to play the ones I want. I play Words With Friends, Song Pop and What's the Phrase?. I don't want to play Candy Crush any more than I want to play Russian Roulette.

I'm not certain what the incentive is for inviting others. Maybe the player gets extra points or something. Is it really worth it to lose a Facebook friend over a game? I have had to unfriend a few people, just to stop the madness.

The game invitations are akin to the posts that attempt to guilt you into sharing the post on your time line. "Share this if you have lost someone you love". Who hasn't? What's the point? If you really want someone to share something on their time line, make it interesting.

How about "Share this if you've ever had an STD". That would be interesting, although I doubt you'd get many takers. Or, "Share this post if you've ever committed murder". I think you'd probably have the NSA paying close attention to your status after that. But, you might be able to solve a cold case or two.

I really enjoy ignoring the posts which proclaim, "I'll bet most of you won't re-post this..." If that's true, then why are you posting it in the first place? Just leave it alone. You'd probably get a better response by saying, "What ever you do, do not re-post this"! The rebels on your friend list will most likely do it.

Facebook is a really good way to reconnect with people you have inadvertently lost track of, and remembering to wish a happy birthday to someone you don't even know.

Send me private messages if you want to chat, ask me to read something interesting, wish me well, congratulate me on an achievement or wish me a happy birthday. Outside of that, I'll read your posts and respond if it's something I feel would be a worthwhile contribution.

This is why I try (but fail sometimes) to make this blog interesting.

See you tomorrow.

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