Friday, September 13, 2013

Let's Be Friends

When a woman tells you, "Let's just be friends", it really means she doesn't want to date you anymore, but she might need her brakes fixed sometime.

As guys, we've probably all heard that dreaded phrase at least once. Its perfect for the woman because she is letting the guy down easy and without a big confrontation. It is the "Its not you, its me" line, sort of camouflaged. In the end, the approach doesn't really matter, the outcome is the same.

If the guy still has feelings for her, he'll agree, hoping that his presence will again stimulate her love for him once more. My opinion is to run. Accept that it's over and move on. How can I miss you if you won't go away?

Ladies, if you are prone to this kind of behavior, please stop. Make a clean break. You are most likely trying your best to spare his feelings, but it really doesn't. It just gives him false hope, if he really cares for you. Men will deal with the clean break much better in the long run.

When a guy breaks up with a girl, he wants the clean break. He wants to be free from the relationship completely. Believe me, its true. Probably the worst thing either gender can say during a break up is, "You'll never find anyone else like me"!, which is kind of the purpose of the break up in the first place. Its not like the person who is initiating the breaking up is going to say," Buy the way, do you happen to have a twin"? Just be cool and walk away.

I've been married four times and I've had three break ups. My current marriage is still intact after 16 years, but I've been through the heartache of being dumped by two of my wives. The irony is that I am friends with all three of them now. Some people find that strange, but I think it's healthy. It sure makes things easier if there are children involved. And, my first and current wives are friends as well.

Honesty is the best policy, I think. If the relationship is bad, and If you give it your absolute best, not a half baked attempt, but real effort over a long period of time and things haven't improved, I believe that you can walk away clean, and with a clear conscience. None of this "Let's be friends" stuff. It just doesn't work. Later on, when the dust settles, and both parties have moved on, it is possible to become friends. Just my thoughts.

See you tomorrow.

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