Sunday, September 1, 2013

I'm melting!

Its so hot, yesterday I set the house on fire just to cool off.

What is going on here? I live in Utah and the temperatures are still in the mid nineties! That's preposterous! It should be in the 80's and getting lower every week. And the humidity is ridiculous! Its so humid that the women here are using super glue for styling their hair.

One of the reasons I live here is because I love the four seasons. This year, we have only had two. Winter and hell. We are fortunate to have air conditioning; many people here have only swamp coolers. Swamp coolers just don't work in this kind of heat.

Some people tell me that they prefer this weather, so I ask them, "Then what are you doing in Northern Utah"?!? Southern Utah is full of sun seekers. Its very close to Arizona and Nevada, so I get that. If you don't like the cold, however, why would you live where it normally snows from late October into early March?

This is still a free country, where you can live wherever you want. I understand some cases, where you might have been transferred by the company you work for and in this economy you move rather than quit. But if you're constantly griping about the conditions you live in, MOVE!

I've done some volunteer work at the homeless shelter here. I feel most sorry for them in the winter months, where the temperatures normally dip a tad below zero at winter's peak. But then I think, if I were homeless, I would start working my way to Beverly Hills for the winter months. I think I would rather crash on the streets of Beverly Hills than Ogden, Utah in any season.

I doubt there are shelters in Beverly Hills, but the food the restaurants throw out each night would have to be better than shelter food, right? I'm not trying to make light of the plight of the homeless. Many of us are one paycheck away from being there. I'm just writing about people of any segment of our society who choose to live in an area they don't like.

That takes me full cycle. I choose to live in Utah because I really like it here. The normal climate, the mountains, the recreation... All of it. If this current weather pattern continues, I'm going to have to move to the Antarctica to avoid the heat.

Forgive me, but I have to take this shot... Its so hot here, the BYU fans had to take the paper bags off of their heads.

See you tomorrow.

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Facebook: Jerry Mabbott
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