Saturday, August 31, 2013

Bombs Away!

The French are right there with us if we bomb Syria because of their use of chemical weapons. Ironically, France has been making chemical weapons forever. Its called BO.

I'm not a political satirist, nor do I claim vast world political insights, but it seems to me that if our commander and chief has said that if Syria crosses the line and uses chemical weapons against its own citizens, there would be military retaliation, it should be done with congressional approval.

It seems as though the president is back peddling on that commitment after the UK backed down. We do have the backing of the French. What are they going to do, send missiles with spoiled cheese?

I am not in a position to criticize or praise our president and our other political leaders because I don't have the classified Intel that they do. I just think we're now in a very awkward position. We've said were going to kiss the pig, but now we're not so sure.

Do we want Iraq bombing Israel? Do we want relations with Russia to weaken even more? What about China? Do we really want to poke that hornet's nest? North Korea has been murdering citizens for decades. Do we want to bomb them, too?

I'm just happy that I don't have to make these decisions. I would probably toss a coin. Heads, we bomb Syria; tails, we bomb Iran. If the coin lands on its side, we bomb Newfoundland. Maybe the Newfies would be the best decision anyway. We could get our bombing fix quenched and who's going to care? Canada?

Its a slippery slope we're heading down. Our country's military budget has been obliterated, yet we're heading into another possible Iraq situation. What if the Syrian regime is toppled as a result of our attacks? What would our responsibility be at that point? Help the rebels form their government? Its worked so well in Iraq.

I have no idea what we should do. I believe Congress should make the decision. The UN will do nothing. They are extremely cautious and perhaps for good reason. We don't know what they know. There is no doubt in my feeble mind that the Syrian regime did use chemical weapons. The evidence is pretty clear.

What should we do? I think we should supply every nation's rulers with some Pop Tarts. No one can be angry while eating a Pop Tart. The world would be a safer, happier place.

See you tomorrow.

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