Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Move over, Starbucks, there's a new kid in town.

I love coffee, but it makes me nervous and shaky. How come nothing from Columbia ever slows you down?

Seriously, everything down there is fast. Even the snails blow by you like The Flash. I've even heard that Juan Valdez, of coffee commercial fame is a drug lord. That would explain the mule.

Caffeine can be a dangerous drug. Most of us ingest it in one form or another. Coffee, some teas, Red Bull drinks and those which are similar, 5 or 6 hour energy drinks, soda, hot chocolate, even caffeine tablets for the real junkies.

Once you're hooked, it is very difficult for some of us to quit. Some years ago, on my radio show, a listener called and challenged me to quit. I told him it would be a piece of cake. After all, I quit a three pack a day smoking habit cold turkey (strange phrase), and to this day, I have never wanted another one. Caffeine? No match for me.

The first day was easy. No problem. The second day, I awoke with the worst headache ever, and I used to get migraines! Nothing phased it. Tylenol, excederi, ibuprofen... Nothing. I asked for a nurse to call in. She told me that I could expect the headaches to last two weeks. TWO WEEKS?? Are you kidding me? I couldn't stand it for two weeks. As soon as we hung up, I went to get some coffee.

I decided right then and there I was going to drink coffee and soda in moderation for the remainder of my days. Then I got sick. I had very bad tremors in both hands, so I had to cut down to as little as possible so it didn't exacerbate the problem. So, now I have have a cup of coffee in the morning, sometimes half caf.

Then yesterday, my wife and I were driving to the grocery store. Low and behold, there was a Dunkin Donuts restaurant. It was brand new and the first I've seen in Utah. From prior experience in California, I knew they made the perfect cup of coffee. We stopped and had some. My wife is a coffee snob from working at Starbucks for a time. She said "This coffee is perfect!

Aside from coffee and donuts, Dunkin Donuts also sells sandwiches and other treats. Its a good thing I don't drive, or I'd be there every day for breakfast, then hit In N Out for lunch. I would also be a mess. Oy, the temptations.

See you tomorrow.

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