Saturday, May 11, 2013

Imaginary Friends

UFO’s are real. The Air Force doesn’t exist.

Wouldn't that be weird. Some wackos actually believe it. There was a fascinating radio program, The Art Bell show, late in the night, where strange people with strange ideas and conspiracy theories would spew their odd beliefs to someone who would finally listen and not have them locked up!

It was on his program when I first heard that ufos existed, but the Air Force didn’t. I think my grandmother should have been a regular caller. She sincerely thought the moon landing was fake, but Roller Derby was real.

I remember trying to talk to her about it. She was not to be dissuaded. I finally said, Grandma, if roller derby is really a recognized sport, why aren't the results ever in the paper? She simply told me to shut up. That was it. She didn't want to have much to do with me after that.

There are definitely some nut jobs out there. Rosie Odonnell thinks that the George Bush administration actually placed bombs inside the Twin Towers. She said, being the scientist that she is, that the burning fuel from the jet liners couldn't possibly be enough to bring them down on their own.

Shortly after that, she began her verbal war with Donald Trump's hair and Elizabeth Hasselbeck over anything she said. She was fired. She is nuts, in my opinion. I was glad to see her last show fail. I think it was America's way of telling her we were finished with her.

You simply cannot rant and rave, accusing people of things just because they have the opposite opinion. According to her, every conservative is a homophobe. That's ridiculous. In fact, labeling anyone who disagrees with the gay and lesbian lifestyle is now labeled a homophobe. That angers me.

That would infer that I have a fear of homosexuals. I don't. Why would I be afraid of a homosexual? I'm not a judge. I may not agree with the community agenda, but I'm certainly not afraid of them. I love them. A phobia? No.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to watch wrestling on TV. That's real.

See you tomorrow.

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