Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Teamwork is important. There's always someone else to blame.

Improvisation troupes are fun, and if you're playing with people who are skilled in the art, it's even more so. Still, if someone messes up the improv "game", they get blamed for the failure. If the person does it enough, they become the red headed step child, and is forever blamed for anything that goes awry in any scene they're in.

Stand up comedy is different. It's just you, a microphone and an audience that just paid to see a stranger make them laugh. Pressure.  There's no one to pin the blame on if you fail.

Some comics like to blame the audience, but these people paid good money because they WANT to laugh!  Chances are, if things go bad, it's your fault. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt.

I've seen way too many comedians blame the audience for their failure, and in the background, another comedian is getting huge laughs. The one who "ate it", as we say, chooses to block out the laughter and continue to complain about the audience. Why?

Unlike improv, you must put the blame squarely upon your own two shoulders. The same as in a team business presentation where the client is unimpressed. There's always someone else to blame. Ahhh, sweet release.

Not so, if you're the only one responsible. It's you, and what's more, you know it, and take the drive of shame back to the office, telling everyone who asks "How did it go?",  "It went great. Now we'll just see what happens.", knowing full well that you blew it.

Marriage is another teamwork opportunity, where, should it fail, it's so easy to blame the other party. I've only been right about that once. Everyone says it takes two to cause a divorce. Perhaps. Not in all cases.  I married a woman who started taking drugs the night before we married, and no, it was not the realization that it was me she was marrying.

As painful as it was, it was clearly on her. See? Teamwork. If someone doesn't pay the electric bill, and the lights go out, there's always someone else to blame.

I'll take teamwork any day. I don't like blaming myself.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go pick a fight with my wife, because she failed to remind me to take the trash can to the curb last night.

See you tomorrow.

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