Friday, January 25, 2013

Long Walks

I like long walks. Especially taken by people who I can't stand.

I really like almost everyone. Those who know me well, know that's true. I try to see the good in everyone. Sometimes, though, there are people that just make me crazy.

After a show, for example, as would shake the participants hands, most were great. Then you get the guy who says, "You were pretty funny. Here's something you can use in your little skit." It's all I can do to keep from strangling them, right then, right now.

Then there's the drunk heckler. He disrupted the whole show. Now he wants to tell me that he was helping me. In past times, I was nicer. Now, I tell him I don't need his help, nor do I want it, and he ruined the show for many patrons.

I just don't care. The same is true with siblings. If they're friendly, awesome. If they prove to be jerks, as is one of mine, I don't make time for them. What's the plan? Who has the time? I would much rather talk to or spend time with

someone who is positive and a pleasure to be around.

I have four friends that I meet with each Tuesday. It's wonderful. Encouraging and a delight. They are true friends I can count on. There used to be others, but I think they just wanted something from me. They're gone. Good riddance. I need them like Hillary Clinton needs more excuses.

My true friends, near and far, to and fro, I love you. For the pretenders, take a long walk.

See you tomorrow.

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