Monday, November 19, 2012


I was assaulted by a vampire last night. No lie. Ok, so it was a bill collector, but still...

Remember the good old days, when a real jerk would call and be nasty to you? Now they're mostly computers. That's no fun. Everyone needs a good argument now and then, if for no other reason then to vent, and get things off your chest.

Since you can't argue with collectors as much, I highly recommend making random calls, and start an argument with a surrogate collector. Pretend you're with the IRS, and you're calling to let them know that they owe $5,000 in back taxes. Argue until you feel better, then say "Just kidding", and thank them.

I don't want to get sued, so don't really do that. It might be illegal. ;-)

Who else can you really vent to?  Certainly not your spouse, unless you're set on divorce. Hint: it's probably cheaper to vent to a therapist, than get a divorce.

I wonder who therapists vent to? After listening to people vent all day, what do they do to relieve their stress? Do therapists have therapists, or do they all end up like Leo Marvin, in "What about Bob?"

I guess I'll have to ask my therapist today, but first, I have a phone call to make.

See you tomorrow.

Great Christmas Gifts for Her!

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