Friday, November 15, 2013

The Four Seasons

Call me crazy, but I like the winter, spring, summer and fall. Ok, my state of craziness has little to do with the seasons, but still...

My affinity for the seasons most likely stems from my birthplace in Missoula, Montana. My first seven years were spent in different Montana towns, and I loved it. I never stuck my tongue to a freezing pole, but a neighborhood kid did. It was awesome. Just like the scene in "A Christmas Story".

Ironically, I don't like to play in the snow and I don't participate in any snow sport. I have no interest in skiing, snow boarding or tubing. If I'm at a ski resort, I like to watch the participants, while sipping a warm cup of hot chocolate.

I tried to ski once. I had a friend who knew the owners of the ski resort in Big Bear, California. He got us free lift tickets and rentals for the equipment we needed. Since I didn't know how to ski, and there was a class being taught close to me, I tried to inch my way closer to hear what the instructor was saying.

I had no money for the class, so I thought I was being clever. Suddenly, my skis began to advance straight toward the class and I couldn't stop them. Instead of taking the instructor out, I purposely fell right beside her. I reached my glove covered hand up and asked for help. Her reply? "Figure out how to get up yourself. I saw you eavesdropping over there, and I'll do nothing for you".

I had it coming, for sure, so I took off one of the skis and got back up. I then decided the best way for me to learn would be to go to the top of the slope and come down. I noticed the other skiers going side to side while coming down and although I spent most of the morning on my backside.

As the morning wore on, I got much better and was able to look like I knew what I was doing. I spent the afternoon in the lodge, sipping hot chocolate. Skiing was now crossed off of my bucket list.

I don't even like making snowmen! I know! I think I'll leave that up to the kids. When my children were young, we lived in Southern California, so it was never a factor. It still isn't, except for my daughter, Cecilee. I have no idea what she thinks of the snow. She rides her bicycle most everywhere she goes so I'm guessing no.

My other children live in Mississippi and Georgia, so it's still not a factor for them. Its snowing outside as I write this, and only 34°. I love it! Other than taking the dogs out for a walk when it stops snowing, I have no where to go until tonight, for a gig.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some hot chocolate to make.

See you tomorrow.

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Facebook: Jerry Mabbott
Twitter: @jmabbott

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