Thursday, November 7, 2013

Billion Dollar Tweets

As of today, my tweets are part of a billion dollar company. Yeah, I'm that good.

So, today Twitter goes public. $26 per share will buy you a piece of the #twitterpie. Its hard to believe, but there are still people in our country who don't have a twitter account. What?

I know people who are tired of all social media and shut down all of their accounts. I always wonder about those folks. My oldest brother is that way. He says he doesn't want to be found, even by his closest childhood and early adulthood friends. Yeah, I don't know either.

Granted, there are many forms of social media to choose. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Circles, Path, My Space, Yelp and many more. I like to choose those which interact with each other, so I can post once and then just share with the others. If you have something to say to the people in your life, social media is a great way to do that.
Some people take it too far. No offense, and I could be wrong, but I really don't think that everyone cares that I'm about to get in the shower, which was a real post. Twitter is built more for sharing your thoughts about anything, really, at any interval. We expect that. In fact, its fun to check Twitter every now and again, to see what is currently trending; what people are talking about. Its a good way to stay in the loop.

YouTube is something else, entirely. I really like it because there are always videos to meet my immediate need. If I need to laugh, I can find funny videos. If I need to learn how to do something, there are instructional videos for just about anything. Whatever you want, you can generally find on YouTube.

I think I'm going to start my own YouTube type site. Since it's the Internet and similar to YouTube, I'll call it Innertube. I will only allow very funny videos, in good taste, and anything having to do with inner tubes. People who participate will be known as tubers.

Tubing on water and snow will be welcomed, so long as there are mishaps. Its so funny to watch people get seriously injured attempting to do the impossible in an inner tube. "America's Funniest Home Videos" taught us that. How about someone filling up two inner tubes with helium and see how high you can go and how long you could hold on? That would be hilarious. Or, sending a friend down the steepest ski slope in an inner tube? The possibilities are endless and sure to get laughs.

Will there be casualties? Sure, but the world needs to lighten up and Innertube is just the ticket. Who's in?

See you tomorrow.

My books:
Facebook: Jerry Mabbott
Twitter: @jmabbott

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