Monday, October 14, 2013

Dumb and Dumber

Last week, a postal service employee furloughed himself permanently when he was caught throwing any mail about Obamacare in the trash. Now, he'll have to buy insurance, under Obamacare. Oh, the irony.

We have all done stupid things in our lives, but fortunately for most of us, they are not chronicled in the media. There are those who would applaud this postal worker for what he did, but the fact is that he should have been fired for what he did. Imagine what would happen if all postal carriers began throwing away any mail containing information they didn't care for.

I'm sure he's not the only one who has done it, but he was caught in the act. Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper, send an email to your representatives or the President. It won't do any good, but at least you can express yourself without committing a felony.

The other ironic item that caught my attention was a congressman who complained that there wasn't a "towel boy" there to hand a towel to him as he got out of the sauna. Are you kidding me? Really?

Democrat Bruce Braley, an Iowa congressman who is running for U.S. Senate in 2014, said this on a national radio program, “I find it ironic that there’s this big push to shut down the House gym, when it’s one of the rare places people come together and actually talk about how we can build relationships. … There’s hardly anybody working down there. There’s no towel service, and so we’re doing our own laundry down there. And we pay a fee to belong to the House gym.”

Boo hoo, congressman. Bring a towel from home. What a slap in the face to all of the furloughed workers across the nation, who are not considered "essential". This idiot wants towel boys to be considered essential? Something tells me that Braley, like so many others in congress is not essential.

I'm sure that his spin doctors will spew their own rhetoric, through Braley, for damage control. This guy is running for the U.S. Senate in 2014. Anyone who votes for him, in my opinion, is also a moron and should never again be allowed to complain about whatever stupid games our lawmakers play in the future.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to wash a load of towels so I'll have a clean one to use following my workout.

See you tomorrow.

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