Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Date Night

My wife and I have the secret to making a marriage last. Two times a week, we go to a nice restaurant, a little wine and good food. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays.

Date night is a must in today's world, but how and why did that happen? My parents didn't have date nights. They decided they would rather fight at home.

Seriously, I know that wives really want a night out but do we really want to make it a date? If I still wanted to date I would have remained single. My wife tells me that I need to choose the place for the date, tell her what the attire should be and, since I don't drive, just give her directions as we go so I don't spoil the surprise. This simply doesn't work. It's doomed to fail from inception.

Its sort of like gift giving. I'm not very good at it. I buy things that I think she would like and it is always wrong. If I ask for a list she says she doesn't want to give me one because, again, it would spoil the surprise. After 15 years, you would think she would know that the surprises I come up with are severely off target.

Its not that I don't listen. Last year, for example, I knew she wanted a particular jewelry item. I found one on line, and knew that I had scored! Wrong. The item she ended up with is completely different from what I bought. Thank goodness there is a 30 day money back guarantee for most items you buy on line.

Another example: My wife loves her car. She had mentioned several times that she wanted to get it detailed. I found a Groupon for a complete car detail at a great price. She was very upset about that gift. I didn't understand it. I thought it was a perfect gift. Keeping in mind that I never attempt to buy apparel for her, what does that leave? She buys her own clothing items because she has learned from experience that I have no clue what she'll like in that department and I can't give her a gift card because she says it is too impersonal. She's right, but what am I to do?

I can't be the only guy who is bewildered in the gift giving department, can I? Ladies, please help us. We're lost. I get it right every now and again, but that doesn't get it done. I must have a list to work with. Otherwise, its going to be ugly.

See you tomorrow.

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