Thursday, August 1, 2013


I told my therapist I thought I was OK now, and wouldn't need more appointments. I thought her explosive laughter was a bit over the top.

I can remember a time when people discovered that someone was in therapy, they assumed the person was insane. Arguably, that may be my case, but I do see a therapist all the time. That's only because I'm a stalker.

Seriously, it helps to talk with someone who listens and gives me brutally honest feedback. The therapist I talk to said she's amazed how many people come into her office and lie to her about their circumstances. I told her that I would be completely honest with her and that my anxiety was most likely caused by being a trapeze artist in the circus.

I'm kidding, of course. I never was a trapeze artist. I was shot from a cannon. Everyone has problems, no matter who you are. Paul Vitti had problems as a  mob boss in "Analyze This" and "Analyze That". I especially love two scenes in the first film. One was when DeNiro cries and says, "I got stress".

The other is when Billy Crystal, the therapist tells the distraught mob boss to hit something, because it always makes people happy. Crystal points to a cushion on a chair and tells DeNiro to hit it. DeNiro pulls out his gun and shoots the pillow and says that he feels better now.

Even the late James Gandolfini's mob boss character, Tony Saprano, had a therapist to deal with his problems. It makes me wonder who someone like Sigmund Freud, who clearly needed help, told his troubles to.

There are other professions that I would think require therapy. How about the aging cowboy who rides rodeo bulls? Or the person on a date who must listen to the other person drone on seemingly forever about their last relationship? Or the person who seems to be a magnet for all of the nut cases in the world?

I have a friend who went to therapy, only to find the therapist sound asleep. Now that would be more than annoying, at the very least. Now she has another thing to talk to her new therapist about.

As for the dates I mentioned earlier? I have another friend who went out on such a date, politely excused herself to go to the ladies room and snuck out the door and drove home. That guy needs help.

See you tomorrow.

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