Friday, August 23, 2013

Smart Blonde Phone?

Verizon called a friend of mine and told her she had to return her Smartphone because they discovered she was blonde. 

Are blondes, both male and female, really considered to be dunder heads? Let's take a look. Let's see, who was our last blonde president? Um, yeah. Hillary might be, but I doubt it. Nothing against her, I just don't think America is ready for a blonde president, male or female.

All blondes are not dummies. Lady Diana was certainly bright. You can't really go with the Hollywood types because you never know if they're really blonde. Well, Jenny McCarthy appears to be pretty bright. We'll see as "The View" progresses. Elizabeth Hasselbeck is certainly bright.

What about male blondes? Can it be possible that it's easier to find more bright blonde women than men? There's Brad Pitt, but it's hard to tell if he's really all that bright. Some might argue that he was smart enough to make his move on Angelina Jolie, but then you remember that Billy Bob Thornton landed her too.

Ok, how about athletes? Chris Everett? She seems bright. She dominated women's tennis in the 70's and has been a commentator for many matches, showing her intelligence.

I don't know any blonde men. I knew one in high school and he was an idiot. He didn't go to the same school, but we shared an ROP (Regional Occupation Program) class at a different school.

Most blonde jokes are directed toward women, but I think it's ridiculous. I really know plenty of intelligent blondes. My sister has been a legal secretary for decades. Very bright. My daughters, Sarah and Cecilee, Diana Conzelman Bray is another. Judy Harrison, Ruth Hilger, Jeri Crowell, my wife, Heather, Kathy Mesch, my cousin, Carol, my friends Carole Lenzini and Jill Paulsen, my sister Ileen and many others. Too many to name.

Now, Red Heads...

See you tomorrow.

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