Monday, August 12, 2013


A grasshopper walks into a bar. The bartender says, "Hey, we have a drink named after you!" The grasshopper said, "Really? You have a drink called Steve"?

One place we lived in Utah had tons of grasshoppers. They were everywhere. Birds would pick them up and fly to the top of the house and bang them against the gutter before eating it. I don't know why they banged them on the gutter. I tried it with a cheeseburger and all it did was tear up the cheeseburger.

We have a very sweet and adorable toy Schnauzer named Maggie. When she was old enough to go out back and run around by herself, we noticed that she was also eating grasshoppers. My wife was kind of freaking out, but it sounded pretty normal to me. I called the vet and she said grasshoppers are very nutritious for dogs.

I've seen Survivorman and Bear Grills eat them and proclaim their nutritional value and how great they taste. Ok, I'd be happy to see for myself, so long as they were cooked first. If I liked the taste of the cooked ones, I might be able to move to the live ones. I seriously don't know if I could do it.

One time, my wife and I were vacationing in Redondo Beach, California. We decided to dine at a sharp looking seafood restaurant. We were seated outside, with a magnificent view. We ordered and patiently waited for our order. A group of Asian people were seated right behind us. Heather couldn't see them, but I had a bird's eye view.

As we were enjoying our meal, the waiter walked by with the other table's appetizers. There were enough shrimp for each - ALIVE! I know! One by one, they ate the heads off. I couldn't stick around for round two. We got out of there, but I'll never get that picture out of my head.

Different regions of countries have delicacies that my seem disgusting to us, but delightful to others. Other items are forbidden in certain areas. You won't ever find a Texas Roadhouse in India anytime soon. And, no brussel sprouts at my uncle Carl's house. He's allergic.

See you tomorrow.

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