Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Cell phone addiction

Technology has changed how you should choose your mate. Now, you have to imagine if this person is the one you can watch using their ipad for the rest of your life.

Most people are addicted to their smartphone, laptop or game consoles. I'm included. It seems as though I spend a great deal of time on my phone. 

If I go somewhere and forgot my phone, I panic! Ahhhhh, what will I do if someone calls? What if I'm bored and can't play Candy Crush?

What did we do before cell phones? I'm at least partially to blame for the ease of having them so readily available. I was recruited by Bell South to come up with a plan for retail, because it was failing miserably for the second time, and they finally got the point. They didn't understand retailing. This was how the horrible system worked. First, the sales person, with extremely little training, had to  help the customer about coverage, cell towers, hand off, why they were charged half of a minute, even if the person didn't answer.

Then, once the customer chose their phone, they agreed to pay $. 45 per minute . The customer would then fill out a form worse than doing their taxes. Then the sales person had to get the electronic serial number of the phone, write it on the phone andthen fax it in. The ccustomer would leave until called by the store, where the deposits ranged from 0 to $1,000. No joke.

If the customer agreed with the terms, the form would be faxed over again and wait for the company's response. Ridiculous. I was given carte blanc to revise what ever was needed for it to work at retail. So, I had to turn a public utility into a retail support system. Instead of the 8-5, Monday through Friday job, it became weekends evenings and holidays. We needed to be able to help the retailer every minute they were open for business.

I was the most hated man in the company. Until it started working and bonuses started flying around because the company was suddenly making millions, due to the changes.

No more faxes. Phone calls to the woman who sat at the switch that either turned it on automatically or let the customer if a $400 was required, due to poor credit. We also tremendously revised the subscriber agreement, streamlining the process from two weeks to 10-15 minutes.

So, feel free to blame me for this addiction.

See you tomorrow