This guy I met one time, stunk worse than my than my act.
We are so lucky to live in a country where running water is taken for granted. In fact, we are blessed and spoiled, at the same time. If you get up in the morning and your car starts, you are one of the richest people in the world.
That's right, 95 percent of the world population has no car. We can't even imagine that. If we had to go without a car, we would not know how to behave. We would think that we are the most poor people ever, which brings me to my point.
When I was in France I had a great time and it was very very beautiful. However I met some people who did not have running water in their homes. Others had no access to water even outside the home. Now, I'm not talking about drinking water because you can always pick that up at the store. But I'm talking about water to bathe in.
Some of the people have not showered in so long they they try to cover up with cheap cologne which makes it even worse. I remember one guy that was so bad i honestly don't think he had a shower in at least a month. This was onbearable. It was so bad that you could smell him cross the entire room. I felt so sorry for the young man.
One night, a whole bunch of us were going out to dinner, and it was raining heavily. Now, no offense to the cab drivers in France, we did have a term which was an acronym for the French cab driver smell. Apologies if you're eating breakfast while reading this blog, but the combination of body odor mixed with cheap cologne and God only knows what else, makes for a pretty powerful cocktail.
The kid I was mentioning earlier was in cab. Remember that I said it was raining hard? Well it really didn't matter that much. It was either put up with the smell, or get my head soaking wet by sticking out of the window. I chose the latter. Everyone in the cab was laughing, even cab driver. He was probably relieved because it was the first time that people were not making fun of him.
Mind you, I'm very careful not to make fun of others who don't have the good fortune that we enjoy by having running water in our homes. We can bathe whenever we choose, which brings to mind other questions. Why is it people who can bathe, choose not to? It's very perplexing.
I just hope and pray that I never take for granted the comfort that we have in this wonderful country were we have been chosen to live. That's not to say that there are no other countries have some of the same comforts but there are so many who do not. And those other ones I pray for on a daily basis.
Now, if you'll use excuse me, I have a brand new bottle of cheap cologne to break in.
See you tomorrow.
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