Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Pants up!

Thank goodness the plumber trade is alive and well through this tough economy. So many young men are practicing with their behinds showing.

I think I speak for many when I say, "Pull up your pants!" It makes those who do it look ridiculous. Seriously, is there a woman on the planet that thinks this look is attractive? I don't know any.

So, why do it.? For some, I think they believe that it somehow makes them look tough. Really? If I walked up and punched the guy, in order to defend himself, his pants would fall down and people would laugh so hard, I think he would rethink this particular trend.

The trend started in prisons, quite accidentally. The clothing that inmates were issued were too big, thus the saggy drawers. Somehow, this caught on in the outside world. I really think it's funny to see a guy holding us his pants while walking on the bottom of the legs. It just looks so comical.

How about guagers? I mean the hard core guagers. That's a commitment. I guess they've already decided to forego the corporate route. It would be awfully tough to make a boardroom speech or presentation with these gigantic circles permanently stretching the earlobe.

Stretching originated in Asian, African and South Pacific cultures for decorative purposes. Tribes such as the Thai hill tribe stretched earlobes for both men and women.

They can be surgically repaired  but I'm not sure to what degree. Can you imagine someone with the guages and the derrière free fall dressed in a suit for a job interview? I just want to pull the pants up myself, but it would probably get me beaten severely. I've already experienced thar, so I'll pass.

Actually, everyone is entitled to wear their pants that way and despite the stereotype, I've found most of these folks to be friendly. The same is true with the guagers as I like to refer to them. Most are eager to talk about why they wear them, and how the progression took place.

The bottom line (I know!) is that this great nation allows us to represent ourselves in most any way possible, so long as it isn't indecent or otherwise hurting another.

I think I'm going to lower my jammies and take a walk. The guages will have to wait.

See you tomorrow.

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