Monday, April 15, 2013

Fuel prices

I have costraphobia, the fear higher fuel  prices.

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The ever rising price of fuel, thankfully doesn't impact us because I don't drive and my wife works eight miles from our home. But what about the majority of you around the world?

I know the rise and fall of oil is the result of speculation, but of what? I know too many people in the oil business to think we have a shortage. It's simply not true.

In the United States, we have oil reserves, and I mean a lot. Yet we still buy foreign oil. Is this foreign policy, to keep some countries from financial ruin? It's rumored that some oil companies in the United States are paid for letting some of their wells just exist and not be pumped. If that is true, what is going on?

I recall at least a decade ago, the big auto makers in the United States complained that the demand for every car to run on either natural gas or electricity would take at least 10 years. Where are they??? I know we have some, but that was not the commitment! We are intentionally placing ourselves at the mercy of OPEC.

People see cars that get 50 miles to the gallon, and are impressed. I am not! We see the price of gas gow down to $3.10 and we're elated. Bull. It should be around $2.50!

Every four years, we hear the presidential wannabes drone on about freeing ourselves from the grips of foreign oil. Strangely, we never hear another word about it until the next election. It just never happens. I really wish I knew why, but like most of us, I have no idea.

Starbucks, I can understand. It's a treat. A daily treat for some, a less frequent treat for us. The point is, we can choose to buy it or not. It's not a necessity to have a double back flip carmel latte with two pumps of some syrup, whipped cream and a drizzle of chocolate on top. That's a treat, and it's not cheap. It doesn't need to be.

Gas, on the other hand, is a necessary component of our daily lives, and I'm sick and tired of hearing one blowhard after another talk about their plan for releasing us from the grips of foreign oil. In the wise words of Larry, the cable guy, "Get 'er done".

Now, if you'll excuse me, there's a hot chocolate, with carmel and chocolate, waiting for me.

See you tomorrow.

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