Sunday, April 28, 2013

Carpe Diem!

Would it be in poor taste to say "Carpe Diem" to someone who has seizures?

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Before I get a lot of nasty comments, remember two things. One, I have seizures. In fact, four in the last two days, and two, I'm a comedian, and that’s how I deal with things. Very seldom should you take anything I say literally.

Yesterday, a whole lot of great people showed up to move us. They even brought a trailer. Some showed up at eight and went right to work. Two of my neighbors from our old neighborhood, that I had just gotten to know, took my TV off of the wall and mounted it at the new place.

That's really all they had to do, but they each hung in there until the entire move was made. Amazing guys. Then, at 1:30, a big group of wonderful people from Mountain View Baptist Church showed up with a 28' trailer and brought every remaining item over in one trip.

So, from the first crew, who brought an entire hallway of boxes over in their cars, thank you so much. Some had to leave, due to prior commitments, but your work did not go unnoticed.

One woman showed up who I hadn't seen since 1996! She, along with some others, saw my rather pathetic request on Facebook. She took boxes in her truck and took our dogs to play with her dogs so we wouldn't have to worry about them, or someone else getting hurt.

As for me? I took "Carpe Diem" literally. Despite harsh warnings to just stay relaxed and out of the way, I did too much while left alone in the new house and had a seizure. I seized the day. I was out for quite a while, nestled nicely in the corner with pillows and blankets. One of our dear friends called my wife and received instructions on how to bring me out of it.

I'm going to try to name everyone who helped in some way. Please forgive me if I miss you. It's only because I'm very tired this morning.

Valerie, Linda, Chris, Christian, Troy, Judy, Shannon, Tommy, Kevin, Marilyn, Clarence, Aaron, Howard, Laura, Tony, Chuck... The move was over at about 5:30. I love you all and can't thank you enough.

Today's a new day! Carpe Diem! Except for those of us who literally do.

See you tomorrow.

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