I think to a certain degree, she was right. I remember never wanting to grow up, because everyone seemed so serious all of the time. Why would I want that?
Life is too much of a struggle without adding drama or turmoil. What is there to be so serious about? There are certain times, of course, like funerals and weddings, where you honestly feel bad for someone. That's understandable, but what else?
If you lose your job, which I've done, another will come along. If not, you can collect unemployment and downsize. A very wise person once told me, "There will always be enough money. It's a matter of how you choose to spend it."
Great advice, indeed. You cut back on everything possible. Two of my children have given up cable and simply run Netflix and Hulu Plus through an inexpensive blue ray player, so they can watch what they want, on demand, for $15 per month.
Smart Phones are other items to cut. There are plenty of phones out there which simply make a call. Or, if you can't live without the Smart Phone, cancel the Internet. Your phone is most likely 4g, which is plenty fast, and you can use the phone as a hot spot to use Internet on a laptop, or other device.
Shop at the grocery store with the best prices. My wife shops at a store where you bag your own groceries, but she gets the same brands as in other stores, but for much less.
Grow your own vegetables. Don't eat out as much. See if you can do with one car. Sell items you don't need. We live like Kings and Queens, but it's costly.
So why not reduce the stress and choose, instead, to be happy? It's wonderful.
My Mom was right. I've never really grown up, and I hope I never do. Way too much drama for that.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to try to steal my neighbor's cable.
See you tomorrow.
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