Thursday, February 7, 2013

Today marks our 15th anniversary

Marriage is like a rough flight. Typically, it starts out smooth. So smooth, you doze off. When you wake, due to turbulence, you realize you have a bag of nuts.
I'm happy to have been married 15 years. Shattered my old record of 9. My wife will be the first to say that it's been a roller coaster, as I suspect most marriages are.
The wonderful challenges that children bring, job stress domestic work stress, in-law stress and financial stress take their toll. They must. A small percentage of couples know how to fight through it and succeed.
When you toss failed expectations, health issues and pets into the recipe, It's difficult to bake the perfect suffle. 50% of the time, they come out flat.
When you read most Facebook messages about anniversaries, they say something like they married their best friend. I think that's true. Very few are STILL best friends. Too much turbulence. Too little money. Too many issues you never had, prior to marrying.
I know some couples who really do remain best friends, while others sleep with their newest one. It's tough. We've been faithful, that I know. The Force is strong there, but our friends know that we've separated and come back together. We thought we were finished, but whether it was the repeating heart felt vows or what, I'm glad we've made it 15 years.
So, here's to two stubborn people, who have made it this long, and still love each other, somehow. May we last until one of our last, nutty breaths.
Happy anniversary, Heather.
See you tomorrow.


  1. I remember when you had your 7-year itch! Glad to see you've continued to walk together through all life has thrown at you. Congratulations! - SaraBeth (Dull) Wadsworth

  2. Thanks, Sarabeth! I think we still have some of those back scratchers around.God Bless!


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