Sunday, January 20, 2013

Ahhh, baloney!

If I owned a sandwich shop, I would name a sandwich after all positions. I'd call it: Mostly Baloney.

When I was a kid, we ate a great deal of baloney sandwiches. Not bologna, baloney. So, what's the difference? Nothing!

Balogna is really the correct name, but in the 1930s, Alfred Smith, Governor of New York, used the slang term, baloney, in reference to government bureaucracy in Washington.

Balogna is a sausage, made from the odd pieces of chicken, turkey, beef and pork. originated in Italy, in a town named - you guessed it, Balogna. It's cheap, and I love it! It's sort of like catsup and ketchup. No difference whatsoever.

Maybe it reminds me of good childhood days, or maybe I just like the odd pieces of chicken, turkey beef and pork. In any case, I don't care what they call it, I eat it.

I have a very good friend from the south, who loves fried balogna. His mother used to cook it, and he loves it. I suspect you might, as well. Why not? Its inexpensive, I like the taste and it makes it very easy to slap a sandwich together. A slice of balogna, cheese, a condiment and some bread. I like it plain.

Before you start thinking that I'm even more crazy than you may have gleaned previously, there are worse luncheon meats available. Head cheese. Gross.

Now, if you'll excuse me, the balogna is not going to fry itself.

See you tomorrow.

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