Friday, October 18, 2013


Hockey is a very dangerous sport - to go and watch! The pucks go so fast, many times into the crowd. I'm picturing a guy getting ready to go to a hockey game with his son. His wife says, "You can't take Tommy! Don't you remember what happened last time"? "Ah, he's ok, aren't you, Tommy? Blink once for yes"

There are many dangerous spectator sports. Auto racing, baseball games, golf, and more. Every now and then, a car disintegrates on impact during a race. The driver is usually fine, but not so much for the spectators who end up with shrapnel hitting them, not to mention the engine.

At a baseball game, people die every year, sometimes from the stupidity of leaning over a rail too far in pursuit of a five dollar baseball, other times someone is beaten to death for rooting for their favorite visiting team. You always take the risk of a line drive, using your head as a cushion, or a bat flying into the stands.

The same is true in professional football. People get beat up all the time, especially at Raider games. Sorry, Raider fans, but I've been there and witnessed it myself.

In golf, on a rare occasion, an errant golf ball will head toward the crowd like a rocket. The risk is always there, and yet we go, ignoring the odds, which are certainly in the spectators favor.

I guess we take calculated risks all the time. Driving is a risk, in fact any form of transportation is risky to some degree. Getting in the shower, where you might slip, fixing the shingles on your roof, trying to repair an electrical problem, eating my grandmother's food, which was always hit and miss. (Sorry, Mom)

I guess life is a risk, but we all have to go sometime. For Elvis, it was simply... Well, you know.

Be careful out there. See you tomorrow.

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