Wednesday, October 16, 2013

America Mafioso

I'm worried that the debt ceiling will be raised, because we can't afford to buy the ink from China to print money with devalued dollars.

I think we should turn our government over to the mafia. I seriously doubt that the mob has ever been in a deficit condition. We wouldn't have a president, we'd have a mob boss. No congress, just hoods.

We would stop all foreign aid, which causes us to have to continually borrow money and increase our debt. There would be no overspending, just a reminder of what happened to Bugsy Siegal when he went two million dollars over budget building the Flamingo hotel and casino, in Las Vegas. He ended up with a lead headache.

The mafia work ethic is awesome. Someone steps out of line, and its, "I love you like a brother, Tommy, but business is business". No more terrorist attacks. If attempted, there would be no delay in response. No one negotiates with the mob.

It would also be good for the mob. No more imprisoned bosses, since they would not be involved with any form of illegal activities. They would make plenty of money by cutting out the lobbying in Washington. As a matter of fact, our new capitol would most likely move to New Jersey.

There would still be huge payouts from big oil, gun makers and others, but it wouldn't be voluntary, it would be part of a major shakedown. The economy would improve dramatically due to the spending cuts. Leaders would do their jobs or go the way of Jimmy Hoffa.

There would be no more ridiculous elections with blowhard politicians lying about what they'll do. No more debates. The boss would remain the boss until someone takes him out. Gangs would go away because illegal substances would become legal, with taxes on the products, which would increase revenue.

The boss would be motivated to keep the citizenry content because unrest would be bad for business if the rest of the world saw them as being weak. The department of defense would grow exponentially to show the world that we are not to be messed with. No more American hostages. No more fearing cartels.

This would never happen, of course, because we are a democracy. If our lawmakers would adopt the financial aid policy, increase defense spending and cut the ridiculous fraud, waste and abuse that is routine in Washington DC, we might be lending money to China and the Chinese would be buying products from us.

No more political debates. The candidates would have one chance to give us their plans to improve our nation, and be elected by popular vote. If they failed to live up to their promises, an impeachment process would automatically kick in and if found guilty, they would face criminal charges.

Something to think about.

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