Thursday, December 27, 2012

Bah, Humbug

It's December 28th.  So? It's one of the worst days of the year. It's a tweener. Christmas is over, New Year is almost here, the big retail days are gone, and I swear, if I eat one more bite of turkey, they'll have to lock me up, cause I'm killing something.

Most people have to go to work. Some may have Monday off, but not that many. How much work will honestly get finished today? My guess is very little, so what's the point? Companies lose money when employees are unproductive. Just let them go home.

Same thing with Monday. It's. New Year's eve. Do you really think it is a produce day? Of course not. More wasted expenses, unless you sell party goods and alcohol. Then, it's like black Friday for you.

In my opinion, getting wasted on New Years eve is ridiculous. You wake up in the morning, and some of you don't even know where you are, or how you got there. Just not a good idea. You spend the rest of your holiday miserable, trying to recover from the night before. It also is the most popular day for calling in sick.

The real issue lies with the employer. Do you really want hung over employees waiting on customers? Not me. Customers are very hard to find, and if you have hung over employees, you're asking for trouble.

Now, if you will excuse me, I must make up some story about why I can't do any house work for the next few days.

See you tomorrow.


  1. Jerry i own a restaurant so New Years Eve is one of the busies days of the year, i have over 200 dinner to do ,so i wont be drinking after work lol am getting to old for that. i wish you a happy holidays a a great new year!!

    1. Keith, I don't know how I missed your comment, but I'm sorry I did. I hope your New Year is better than you thought it might be.



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