Tuesday, December 18, 2012

New twist on an old joke

If you watch Godzilla vs. King Kong backwards it’s about two monsters who forget their differences and build a city.

Very similar to playing some country songs backwards. The guy stops drinking and gets his wife back.

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to rewind portions of our lives? I had an opportunity, at 18, to audition for a role on "Happy Days". It was even arranged by the 2nd man in charge of what is now the Warner Brothers studios in Burbank, California. He recommended me to Jerry Paris, who produced the show. I didn't go. I didn't go!!!!

Years later, I had a manager/agent who wanted me to take roles in "B" movies, to build an audition reel for "A" films. She gave me a script, but the character was a gross guy who burps and breaks wind. I know some of you think I would be a natural for the part, but I blew it off. You know who DID do that? Jim Carrey. I blew it off!!!

I had the opportunity to go to a "Friends" wrap party, where a friend of mine who worked on the show was going to introduce me to Jennifer Anniston. She was single and I was smitten, along with a million other guys. But I was going to be introduced by her friend. I didn't go!!!!

Fear of failure had a firm grip on me. What if Jerry Paris turned me down for the role? What if someone I knew saw me in that film and thought I was a sell out? What if Jennifer Anniston didn't like me or I didn't like her?

The truth is, those things seem trivial at 57. What I would really like to rewind and change, is being a better parent. Less time in show business, and more time with my children. I wouldn't have signed the papers to allow one of my daughters' to be adopted.

My life is good. I love God, have a good marriage and, by the Grace of God, a good relationship with each of my children. Those are the things that really count.

Maybe it was a good thing to blow off those opportunities. Compared to having the love of my wife and children, the rest seems trivial.

See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it takes a lot to change priorities. Love you


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